Home Staging and Design Information
E. David Fenton
H?m? ?t?g?ng ?? ?n? ?f th? ?ur??t w??? t? ?n?r???? th? ??r???v?d v?lu? ?f ? ?r???rt? th?t h?? ?u?t b??n l??t?d ?n th? l???l r??l ??t?t? m?rk?t. In th? ???t tw? d???d??, h?m? ??ll?r? ?nd r??l ??t?t? ?r?f?????n?l ??r??? th? ??untr? h?v? ?ll r???gn?z?d th? tr???ur? b?x th?t ?? h?m? ?t?g?ng (?l?? kn?wn ?? h?m? d??t?r?ng).
M?n? h?m? ??ll?r? h?v? b??n ?bl? t? ??ll th??r ?r???rt??? ?t mu?h h?gh?r ?r???? ?ft?r ?t?g?ng th??r h?m??. H?m? ?t?g?ng ?l?? h?l?? t? ?l??? d??l? w?th?n ? ?h?rt ??r??d ?f t?m? (?n? t? tw? w??k?). Th?t ? th? g?ld?n t?m?fr?m? n??d?d b? h?m? ??ll?r? ?? th?? ??n ???h ?n ?n ? h?gh?r ?r??? f?r th??r ?r???rt???. If ? ?r???rt? ?? ?n th? m?rk?t f?r t?? l?ng, ??t?nt??l bu??r? ?nd r??l ??t?t? ?r?f?????n?l? w?ll th?nk ?f th? h?u?? ?? ? ??ld ?r???rt? ?nd ?t w?ll b? h?rd?r t? ??ll.
H?m? ?t?g?ng d???gn t???
If ??u f??l l?k? ??ru??ng u? ??ur ?wn ?r???rt? b?f?r? ??ll?ng ?t ?n th? m?rk?t, h?r? ?r? ??m? h?m? ?t?g?ng t??? th?t w?ll h?l? ?mm?n??l? ?n th? ?r????? ?f d??t?r?ng ??ur h?m? t? m?k? ?t l??k l?k? ?n ?d??l l?v?ng ????? f?r ??t?nt??l bu??r?:
1. F??u? ?n ?h?ng?? ?n ??ur h?m? th?t w?ll ?r?v?d? ?mm?d??t? ?m???t t? ??t?nt??l bu??r?. L?t th??r ?m?g?n?t??n r??m fr?? ?n ??ur h?m? w?th?ut d??tr??t??n?.
2. M??t ?f ??ur ??r??n?l m?m?nt?? ?h?uld b? r?m?v?d b?f?r? ??u ?h?w ??ur h?u?? t? ?n? bu??r. Th? r????n f?r th?? ?? th?t ????l? w?n t b? ?bl? t? full? ?m?g?n? th?m??lv?? l?v?ng ?n th? v?r??u? ?????? ?f ??ur h?m? ?f ??ur ?d?nt?t? ?? th? h?m? ?wn?r ?? ?t?ll th?r?.
3. Th? ?r????? ?f ?t?g?ng ? h?m? ?nd ?l?wl? m?v?ng ?ut ?f ? f?rm?r h?m? ??n b? ?m?t??n?ll? t?x?ng ?t t?m??. If th?? ?? th? ???? w?th ??u, ?t?? ?nd th?n r??rg?n?z?.
If ??u h?v? t? ?l?w d?wn w?th th? r?m?v?l ?f ??ur ??r??n?l m?m?nt??, d? ?? but d?n t l?t th?t ?t?? ??u ??m?l?t?l?. K??? th?ng? m?v?ng ?? th?t ?v?r?th?ng w?ll b? f?n??h?d ?? ??h?dul?d.
4. Th? ??????t w?? t? r???? th? ??r???v?d v?lu? ?f ? h?m? ?? g?v? ?t ? fr??h ???t ?f ???nt b?th ?n??d? ?nd ?ut. H?w?v?r, ??r? ?h?uld b? t?k?n wh?n ?h????ng th? ??l?r? th?t ?r? g??ng t? b? u??d ?n th? ?nt?r??r ?nd ?xt?r??r ?f th? h?m?. U?? ?nl? n?utr?l ??l?r? wh?n r????nt?ng ??ur h?m?. N?utr?l ??l?r? h?v? br??d ?????l, wh??h ?? wh? ?t ? b??t t? u?? th??? ??l?r? wh?n ? h?u?? ?? g??ng t? b? ??ld ?n th? n??r futur?.
5. Ev?r? ?????t ?f th? h?u?? h?? t? b? ?n????t?d th?r?ughl?, ?n?lud?ng th? ?t?t? ?f ??ur fl??r?ng. A h?m? ? fl??r?ng r?fl??t? th? w?? th? h?m? ?wn?r h?? t?k?n ??r? ?f th? ?r???rt? ?v?r th? ???r?. If ??ur fl??r?ng l??k? ?ld, w?rn, ?nd ??m?l? ?wful, ??t?nt??l bu??r? w?ll ?mm?d??t?l? h?v? r???rv?t??n? ?b?ut bu??ng th? h?m? b???u?? th? fl??r?ng ??v?r? ?ll ?f th? l?v?ng ?????? ?n??d? th? h?m?. It ?? ? b?g d??l ?? ?t ? t?m? t? ?h??k ??ur ??r??t?, t?l??, ?nd w??d?n fl??r?ng b?f?r? ??ll?ng ??ur h?m?. R????r br?k?n t?l??, ?nd ?f ??ur ??r??t? ?r? ?ld ?nd mu?t?, ??u ??n ?nv??t ?n n?w ??r??t?.
Home staging
is one of the surest ways to increase the perceived value of a property that has just been listed on the local real estate market. In the past two decades, home sellers and real estate professional across the country have all recognized the treasure box that is home staging (also known as home doctoring).
David Fenton is a home staging expert. For more great informationon
home staging
, visit
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