By Gail Mercedes
More families are dining at home there is a surge in new cooks and experienced cooks seeking restaurant copycat recipes. Restaurant copycat recipes with the same distinct taste and flavors of there favorite restaurants. Cooks are discovering savory recipes, professional cooking tips and baking tips.
The economy has changed 5 years ago the average family would dining at their favorite restaurants approximately 2 to 3 times a week. In the last 3 year we have experienced a nationwide recession. Recession means belt tightening times. Families are dining out less and seeking famous restaurant copycat recipes to cook at home. Home cooks and chefs have spent decades recreating famous restaurant recipes. Restaurant copycat recipes with step-by-step instructions with the same distinct tastes and flavors of you favorite restaurants. Copycat recipes from: Applebees, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Olive Garden, Chilis, Outback Steakhouse, P.F. Changs, Ben and Jerrys Ice Cream, Red Lobsters. Pizza Hut, Starbucks and many more. These restaurant copycat recipes can be prepared for a fraction of the cost compared to dining out. Not only is there a saving in home preparation but there is no driving dealing with traffic or waiting in restaurant lobbies.
Each restaurant has signature recipes. Applebees signature recipes are riblets. Kentucky Fried Chicken has its 11 Secret Herbs and Spices. The most guarded restaurant signature recipes are desserts. No matter what type of a restaurant you go to, there is going to be a dessert menu. You are going to find a variety of different desserts to choose from. Whether it is an Italian restaurant, Mexican restaurant, steak restaurant or seafood restaurant there will be dessert menus. Famous restaurants do everything they can to create signature desserts to offer guests. Restaurants distinguish their dessert recipes from their competition. It can be difficult recreating a fudge brownie or apple pie slice in order to distinguish it from the rest of the competition. But that is exactly what the top restaurants do; spend time and money creating the perfect restaurant dessert recipes.
Enjoy this legendary restaurant copycat dessert recipe.
Legendary Morton’s Hot Chocolate Cake Copycat Recipe
Restaurant Copycat Recipe
1 1/2 cups unsalted butter, at room temperature, plus more for the
Souffl cups
Granulated sugar
12 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped
8 large egg yolks, plus 7 large eggs
1 1/2 cups confectioners’ sugar
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
18 fresh raspberries
6 scoops vanilla ice cream
Cooking Preparation
1. Preheat the oven to 350F. Generously butter six 6-ounce souffl cups and sprinkle each with granulated sugar. Tap out the excess sugar.
2. In the top of a double boiler set over barely simmering water, melt the butter and chocolate together. Remove the top of the double boiler pan from the heat.
3. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment and set on low speed, beat the egg yolks and eggs for about 2 minutes, or until light and smooth. With the mixer running, pour the melted chocolate into the bowl and mix for about 2 minutes longer.
4. Put the confectioners’ sugar and flour in a fine-mesh sieve and sprinkle into the chocolate mixture. With the mixer on medium speed, beat for 30 seconds, or until well mixed.
5. Pour the batter into the prepared souffl cups, leaving about inches of space below the rim. Set the souffl cups on a baking sheet and bake for 18 to 20 minutes, or until puffed and about 1 inch higher than the rim. The centers will be soft but not sticky.
6. Remove the cakes from the oven and immediately invert each onto a serving plate. Remove the cup, and garnish each plate with three raspberries and a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Source: The Secret Recipe Forum “Disclosure: Compensation Affiliate”
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